User manual – caseworker role
Table of Contents
This is the basic user role, with permission to create new cases, work with client documents and access all client files. After logging in, a searchable list of all cases is displayed on the Home Screen, which will be discussed in more detail below. On the left is a menu with, from top to bottom, options for editing cases (homepage), clients, and a universal calendar.
Creating a new client
Above the list is the “NEW CLIENT” button which opens a form for entering new client data. The form is divided into three sections: Personal information, Contact, and Address. All fields except “Address line 2” are required. The “Phone number” field must include a “+” sign and the international dial code for the relevant country.
Edit an existing client
The system will display an error message if a client’s details already exist – same name and email.
The last column in the spreadsheet called “Actions” contains two icons. The first is a link to the details, and the second is for editing the client file.
In the edit, it is possible to change the same fields that are filled in when adding a client, with the same rules mentioned above.
More information about the client is shown in the details. The header, in the upper right corner, is the button “Actions”, with the option to delete the client file.
Clicking on the icon in the side menu brings up the calendar. There are two types of events that can be displayed in the calendar. The first is a manually created event, and the second is an event that is automatically created by an action taken within a case, such as setting the expiration date of a document within a case.Initially, the current month is displayed. It is possible to change the calendar view so that events for the current week or day are observed.
Create new calendar events manually
Manually created events are marked in blue, and document expiration dates are highlighted in red.
A manually created event is entered by filling in the form in the dialog that opens by clicking on the “NEW EVENT” button above the calendar. When creating an event, it is mandatory to choose which case the event refers to, the title, and the deadline. Entering an event description is optional. There are two checkboxes, Share with client and applicants? and Notify client and applicants?. If the Share with client and applicants? field is checked, the event will be visible to the client, in the Client Portal. If the Notify client and applicants? field is checked, an email will be sent to the client about the created event based on the ‘days before alarm’.
The manually created event can be modified and deleted by clicking the icons on the calendar entry. Calendar events related to the expiration of the document are changed or deleted by amending the expiration date of a document within the client’s case.
Manage cases
After logging in, a list of all cases is displayed in a searchable table. The columns show the case reference number, name and surname of the client, caseworker, case status, number of unread documents, and links to enter or modify the selected case.
Create new case
Above the list is the “NEW CASE” button. Clicking this button opens a new page to make new cases.
This page is divided into several sections:
Case information: it is mandatory to choose a template – created by an administrator-level user. The case will inherit a specific list of documents, defined by the template. The same goes for the questionnaire. A unique case code is entered in the case reference field. From the drop-down list, select the caseworker assigned to the case. If no caseworker is selected, calendar entries for the case will not be visible to any user.
Client information: In this step, it is possible to create a new client or create a new case for an existing client. The list of these clients is described in the Manage Clients section.
The field Client is applicant? will be checked by default. If this field is not checked, the case and client data will be saved, and the data about the applicant can be entered later by creating a subcase. An example would be where a corporate client has various employee applicants.
Additional contact(s): It is possible to add one or more contacts to the case. If contact is entered, it is mandatory to fill in the name, telephone, email, and address.
Edit an existing case
Changing the case is done by clicking on the icon in the column “Actions” in the table view. A new page opens that is similar to the case creation page. The case and client details can be changed.
Case details
Clicking on the icon in the column “Actions” in the table view opens the case. Both the Casework Portal and Client Portal can open the case. The various functions, below, are not available in the Client Portal.
The header shows the case reference number, status, client and, caseworker, as well as the drop-down list “Actions”, with actions related to the case.
Case actions
Send link opens a box with information about the case to be sent and emails. It is possible to remove addresses. The content of the e-mail can also be entered. The link generated by sending this email allows the client to access the case, add documentation and fill out a questionnaire.
In this example, the client is also the applicant, and at the time of creating the case, this template only allows one applicant. If the case is allowed to have more than one applicant, the section below the header will show all applicants, by tabs. Then the documentation for each applicant is considered as a subcase.
Case questionnaire
On the applicant’s card are the questionnaire and the document section. Clicking on the link on the right side of the page will show the client’s questions. It will also show the answers.
Document section
The Documents section presents a list of required documentation depending on the template. Documents are divided into subsections. Initially, all documents have the status “Unloaded”. This will change to ‘In progress’ by any caseworker action on the document.The arrow to the left opens the document to view the documents already added. This shows:
- Number, name, size and status of documents
- Whether documents are ‘included’
The box also shows:
- Number of unread files inside of the document,
- Expiration date of the document (if the deadline has expired, the date is red),
- Number of files attached to the document,
- Number of comments related to the document,
Clicking on the icon Comment shows the existing comments. This also show who left the comment and when. There is also the option to enter a new comment. Comments will either be visible to the client or just other caseworkers.
The options for the document are:
Setting an expiration date
Set expiration date opens a dialog that defines how long the selected document is valid for and how many days before the expiration it should be flagged. If Share with client and applicant? is checked, this will be visible to the client/applicant. If the Notify client and applicant? is checked, a “Days before alarm” warning will be sent to the selected addresses before the “Expiration date”.
Clear expiration date is only offered if the expiration date is set.
Merging documents
Merge allows documents above a document be merged into one pdf document.
The selected documents are displayed on the left. Next to each file, there is an checkbox to include it in the merged PDF.
Using the drag option, caseworkers can decide the order of the documents . By clicking on the “Merge” button, a preview of the newly created file will be displayed. Then the “SAVE” button becomes active. To save this file, you must enter a name in ‘Merged Filename’.
Below this field, there are two checkboxes. If Delete old files after merge? is checked, the files used to create the new file will be deleted.
If Include merged file in final document? is checked, the newly created file will be included in the creation of the final document, which will be discussed in the following sections.
Complete changes the status of the document to “Completed”.
If the document is in the “Completed” status, then the option in “In progress” is displayed which changes the document back to “In progress”.
Log shows the date and time, as well as the caseworker who merged the selected document.
Each document contains a set of files. These files can be added by the caseworker or the client/applicant. Files added by caseworker automatically have status “Read”. Files added by client/applicant have “Unread” status until previewed by caseworker. The line representing the file is described with an icon representing the file type, file name and size, information on whether the file is viewed by caseworker, information on whether the file is involved in creating the final document, and a three-dot link representing the options:
File (document) options
The options next to the file are:
Remove permanently deletes the selected file.
Include will include the selected file in the final document. If the file is already included, “Exclude” will appear in the options instead of “Include”.
Edit allows a caseworker to change the file name, as well options to change the file itself (delete pages, reorder, add text). If Delete the original file? is checked, the previous version of the file is deleted. If you want to save the previous version, this should not be checked. In this case, if the file name is not changed, the newly created file will have the same name as the previous version and (1).
Reduce size allows you to reduce the file size.
Moving on the scale indicates how much we want to reduce the size. First, mark how much you want to reduce the file size on a scale of 1 to 10, and then click on the “REDUCE SIZE” button. On the right is a preview of the file, where the quality of the text or image can be seen, depending on the file. The size of the original file is shown, as well as the size obtained by reducing the original. Clicking the “SAVE” button saves the new version of the document. If Delete the original file? is checked, the previous version will be deleted.
Split is an action that creates one or more new files from a single file by marking the pages on the selected file.
In the example from the picture, a file with three pages is seen. In the left part of the form, the display of the pages of the file is reduced, in the central part there is a preview of the file, and in the right part, the way in which the split will be performed is defined. Clicking on “SAVE” will create two new file names document 1.pdf and document 23-.pdf. If the Delete the original file? field is checked, the original file will be permanently deleted.
Rename allows the document to be renamed.
Replace opens the windows explorer browse option, where a file is selected to replace the selected one.
Move opens a a dropdown list to choose the document to move the selected file to.
Matter merge
The matter merge option is used to create one pdf document from all “Included” files within the selected matter.
Clicking Merge, inside the three dots, opens a form in which only files marked ‘included’ are listed. The caseworker can select all of some of the desired documents. They can be reordered with drag-and-drop.
Click on Merge in the right part of the page to preview the new file. Before clicking on the “SAVE” button, it is mandatory to fill in the field for the Name of the file that will be created.
When “matter documents” exist, they are shown in the list of documents:
In addition to the file name, the size is also displayed. The result of clicking on the link is a preview of the document on the right side:
Send link opens the same box as ‘Send link’ above
This option is used in case the client is not an applicant, and the applicant needs to fill in their documentation and questionnaire.
Final merge
Final merge is the last action in the documentation processing where a pdf document is created
A list of ‘included’ is given. The files are sorted alphabetically. It is possible to reorder files using the drag option, as well as to exclude some files at this time.
If Create document bundle? is checked, the first page of the final document will be an ordered list of the documents included.
If Create roof numbering? is checked, the pages on the new file will be numbered.
After clicking on the “Merge” button, a preview of the final document is given on the right side of the page.
It is necessary to enter the name of the new file, and click on “SAVE” to save the final document.
The final document appears in the documents section, next to the matter documents.
Multiple download allows you to download all documents.
The files are grouped by the subheading to which they belong. It is possible to mark each file separately, to mark all files within a document, to mark only the files that participate in the creation of the final document or to mark all files. All combinations are allowed. Clicking on “DOWNLOAD” will download a zip file.
Edit allows a caseworker to change the Applicant’s details.
Manage documentation allows the template groups to be amended. A new page opens with a list of documents, grouped by matter. Here there are options to add a new document as well as remove an existing one.
Add document opens a form where you need to select the type of document that you want to add. It is obligatory to choose the matter, as well as the position. One of the existing groups within the matter can also be selected.
The document is removed from the list of documents by clicking on the three dots next to the document name and selecting the “Delete”.
If there are already files associated with the selected document this message will be shown: