User manual – Client, Applicants, Contacts

Client, Applicants, and Contacts

Clients, applicants, and contacts are persons whose e-mail addresses are connected to a certain case, and their role is to manage documentation with limitations. They can access the application using a link they get via email from a caseworker. This link takes them to an authentication page. The user will be sent a code that they will use to authenticate. The user can choose whether to receive the code by text (“SEND SMS”) or email (“SEND EMAIL”).

It’s possible to ask for a new code using “REQUEST NEW OTP”.

If you are accessing the system for the first time, you will see a pop-up window. You will need to enter necessary data and confirm you consent to the relevant terms.

If the user is a client or a contact on the case after he successfully authentication and sign in they can access all subcases within the case. Each of the subcases is shown in a separate tab. If the user is only an applicant on one of the subcases then the user can access and manage documentation only on that subcase.

On the left side, all documentation is shown, while on the right side you change the content depending on user actions. For example, on the right side, they might see a preview questionnaire or some of the files.

Within a subcase, the user has the option to access by clicking on the   that is located above the documentation on the left side. On the right side, a questionnaire preview automatically appears where it’s possible to answer questions or change answers, which will be visible to the caseworker, client, applicant, and contacts selected for that subcase.

Documents are shown in matters and subgroups inside of them. For each document, there is the ordinal number, name, status in form of an icon, number of files, number of comments, and the possibility to view or enter comments by clicking on the comment icon.

Clicking on the icon opens all comments available to the user as well as the possibility to add a new comment. Comments will be visible to other users who have access to the subcase.

When managing documentation, the user can manage only those documents that are in status ”Unloaded“. Upload of a new file is done using the box shown in the next picture.

Each of the users can see only those files they have uploaded for certain subgroups. For each of the shown subgroups, a client can upload as many files as wanted that will be visible to the assigned caseworker. After the caseworker performs any of the actions on the document, the client or contact is no longer able to manage that document.

After clicking on a file, on the right side, there is a file preview with the option to download on top of the header. At each file on the right side, there are options that the user can perform on that file. You can see the options by clicking the three dots after which two options are shown: ”Remove“, which can remove the file from the documentation, and „Rename“, which enables changing the name of the file.

In the upper right corner of the page, there is an icon that shows notifications.

Clicking this opens a review of all notifications intended for the user, grouped by date. In the list of notifications, some refer to the expiration of a document with information about the document and date of expiration, as well as notifications created by the caseworker for a certain case.